14 January 2022

Tanzania bans donkey slaughter

The Tanzanian government has announced a ten year ban on donkey slaughter following concerns about the country’s waning donkey population.  

The number of donkeys in Tanzania has fallen to around 300,000, a number which has halved since 2016, likely due to consumer demand for ejiao, a gelatin found in donkey skin that’s used within Chinese beauty and health products.

Tanzania previously banned donkey slaughter in 2017, although this was overturned in February 2018, allowing slaughterhouses to re-open operations.

Whilst today’s ban is set for ten years, this is a strong step in the right direction and one that will benefit donkeys and their owners hugely. Brooke will continue to work with the government to strengthen the ban in Tanzania and other countries in the region.

Raphael Kinoti, Regional Director for Brooke East Africa said “This is really good news for donkeys, and the people of East Africa who rely on them so much. This takes us one step further to achieving a full regional ban on this cruel trade – something we will continue fighting for. As well as saving donkeys from slaughter, banning the trade also prevents them being transported in cramped and inhumane conditions between countries, as they are taken to the slaughterhouses.”

Around the world, hundreds of thousands of donkeys are slaughtered for their skins and exported annually. Brooke is calling for a global ban on the trade of donkey skins and a crackdown on cross-border smuggling of donkeys for their skins.

Find out more about the donkey skin trade here.